Matti: Tangible User Interface for Engaging Patients in Physical Therapy Towards a Motivating Rehabilitation
Maintaining high levels of patient motivation and enjoyment during physical rehabilitation is crucial for achieving optimum therapy outcomes. However, the prolonged and repetitive nature of postural control rehabilitation in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) often leads to a rapid decrease in motivation levels. Digital therapy devices and exergames offer valuable solutions to this problem by providing therapists with the ability to incorporate objective outcome measures into their practice. Adjustable Tangible User Interfaces (TUI) are ideal for implementing digital innovation into physiotherapy clinical settings. Therefore, this study aimed to discuss the development rationale and iterative co-creation process of Matti, a pressure-sensitive, adaptable TUI for rehabilitation purposes. A structured overview of TUI requirements within a clinical setting was provided for future developers. The results showed that the Matti device can be used as a viable tool for exergaming rehabilitation. Future investigations on the measurement capabilities are required to enable the reliable adoption of objective outcome measures. The impact of TUI and gamified postural control assessment on patients’ motivation and therapy outcomes should also be evaluated.
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