
Databases with bibliometrics indicators:  

  • Metrics by SCOPUS
    • Quarter Q1
      CiteScore 2023 2.9
      H-Index 25
      CiteScore Tracker 2024 2.1
      Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 0.773
      Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2023: JIF 1.2
      Acceptance rate 20.83 %
      Average time to publish 146 days
    • Web of Science (ESCI)
    • DOAJ
    • Google Scholar
    • Index Copernicus
    • Crossref
    • EBSCO
Bibliometrics Indicators:

Repositories, Directories, and Libraries:

  • Academic Journals Database (AJD): A comprehensive index of periodical literature covering all fields of knowledge, with a strong focus on medical research, humanities, and social sciences.
  • ANVURThe Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes.
  • ArastirmaxA full-text database in Turkey.
  • Cabells Directories. A whitelist directory of academic journals.
  • CNKI ScholarThe China National Knowledge Infrastructure, providing access to a vast collection of Chinese academic resources.
  • CrossRef. CrossRef An independent membership association that connects users to primary research content and is the official DOI® link registration agency for scholarly and professional publications. It covers millions of articles from thousands of publishers.
  • DIALNET. DIALNET One of the largest bibliographic portals offering free access to Hispanic literature.
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals):  . Aims to enhance the visibility and usability of open access scientific and scholarly journals, promoting their increased usage and impact. It provides a comprehensive directory of open access journals with quality control systems.
  • Dulcinea. Part of the project "The Open Access to the Scientific Production in Spain," focusing on current analysis and strategies to promote open access.
  • EBSCOA provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books, and discovery services to libraries.
  • Electronic Journals Library (EZB): . Facilitates access to scientific and academic journals that publish full-text articles online.
  • ERIC (Institute of Education Sciences): Known for indexing education resources and making them accessible for research and practice.
  • Hellenic Academic Libraries LinkThe consortium of Greek academic libraries.
  • J-Gate. An electronic gateway to global e-journal literature, primarily serving Indian researchers.
  • K-hub. A virtual library offering knowledge resources.
  • Paperity. A multidisciplinary aggregator of open access journals and papers.
  • RACO (Catalan Journals in Open Access). A cooperative repository providing open access to full-text articles from scientific, cultural, and scholarly Catalan journals.
  • Recolecta. A platform that includes all national scientific repositories in Spain, offering services to repository managers and researchers.
  • Redalyc A network of scientific journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal.
  • REDIB. The Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge.
  • Researchbib. An academic research index.
  • ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources):  A directory providing access to open access scholarly resources.
  • ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories): Promotes the development of open access by providing information on the growth and status of repositories worldwide.
  • UIFactor. The Universal Impact Factor measures the frequency of citations for the "average article" in a journal over a specific period.
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory An authoritative source for bibliographic and publisher information on over 300,000 periodicals, including academic journals, open access publications, and more.
  • University of Cyprus Library.
  • UPCommons. The open access repository for the University of Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), aimed at preserving and increasing the visibility and impact of research and educational materials produced by UPC faculty and researchers.