Short-Term Wind Energy Resource Prediction Using Weather Research Forecasting Model for a Location in Indonesia

Dian Galuh Cendrawati , Nurry Widya Hesty , Bono Pranoto , Aminuddin , Arief Heru Kuncoro , Ahmad Fudholi


This study presents the performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) with the 5-km horizontal grid as a tool for wind energy forecasting within and along the Indonesian coast for the next 72 hours. The modeled data is then validated using wind measurements from the meteorological mast in East Sumba at several heights. Global Forecast System (GFS) operational forecasting data with a resolution of 0.25 degrees are used as the initial and boundary conditions (IC/BC) model. The findings demonstrate that wind speed and wind power density are much higher above ground level (50 m) than at ground level (10 m) and are significantly higher towards the shore than inland. The model slightly overpredicts low-level wind speeds. The results suggest that the WRF model is feasible for forecasting Indonesia's wind flow and wind energy.


Renewable energy , Wind forecasting , Wind power density , Windrose model

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